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Cursed python

There was a really amusing (and informative?) video someone linked a few weeks ago on Reddit for horrifying python to get you fired. I would recommend watching it because it’s...

Funky method reassignments

I saw this kind of example recently and thought it was funky. I wrote out an example

Minor python optimisations

In the desire to get myself to write more frequently I’m tagging upcoming posts as “shitpost”. This will be short thoughts or snippets that don’t take much time.

Profiling in python

I’ve been wanting to start writing little notes here and there for useful tidbits I’ve found in my work over the years and somehow never get around to it. Work,...

The Anthropocene

I’m a sucker for nerdy facts or news, so when I saw a flurry of articles on the Anthropocene this last week it piqued me. Now, as far as I...

Sabal Palms

If there’s a few books I can entice you to buy, one of them would be by the author David George Haskell. Even if you don’t like reading a whole...

Wasp Factory Spoilers

Last year a friend of mine, having heard I’d never read The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks, immediately brought it off his shelf and into my temporary possession.

Shades of Evil

I’m reading a book I love right this movement and, for someone who grew up watching the films and revelling in the style, the fantasy, I still can’t quite point...

Microscopy (Fluorescence and otherwise)

The development of microscopy has an exciting past & has been the subject of a few Nobel prize awards. Some notable contributes include..

Clothes (comic)

Often I feel frustrated by the huge separation between clothes for men vs women. I’m all for optimising for body forms.. but why not just do exactly that?

The Three Responses (comic)

I was having a thought about “know it alls” - how they act without sometimes realising how their reaction can make others feel.

NG2 cells (an intro)

Before I forget all I learned, I’d like to put up a series of posts around the research I was doing in Bonn. Slightly glia-centric (on OPCs / NG2 cells...